Il Ristorantino dell'Avvocato a Siviglia è il locale ideale in cui esplorare gli authentic sapori partenopei ricreati ad arte de un chef d'eccezione como Marco Cardillo. Having experienced an experience in his father's restaurant in Napoli, Marco has been transferred to Spain for love and with his company he has realized his dream of opening his Italian restaurant all'estero. In this ambitious project, which has achieved so much success, it must have so many teachings that its father has transmitted negli anni, if from a professional, human point of view. Thanks to Pamela Imperatore, her companion, she is rich in the inspiration and support that she constantly donates to creating specialties that are always new and enjoyable. Difatti presso il Ristorantino dell'Avvocato you can enjoy so many specialties of unpublished pizza that you can't find anything else. The pizza you handle is defined by new generations and results in a delicious and digestible paste that respects tradition. The fruit of rice and experimentation by Marco Cardillo are none other than the ricercare ingredients of high quality to create rice whose taste is inimitable. In your work you have passion and creativity, so that pizza is an art thanks to all that does not have the same meaning in your work. He recounts it with great enthusiasm in this exclusive interview that conveys so much love for his mestiere of Italian restaurants all'estero.
What is the idea of spreading the authentic Napoletana cuisine in Spain? Ci racconti un po' la sua storia…
If I had a diverse experience in the restaurant scene in my father's restaurant in Napoli, my son was transferred to Siviglia for love. Here I have confirmed that I have made the true Neapolitan pizza of a new generation. I decided to così with my friend (my partner in this project!) to open this local piccolo to spread our concept of pizza and Italian culinary traditions.
What characterizes your new generation Neapolitan pizza?
It's a pizza fruit of studies and rice. If it is characterized by its tasty and easy-to-digest impasto, it respects that tradition. This is possible thanks to a larger quantity of water. Our inoltre pizza comes packed with high quality products, coming directly from Italy. Noi we offer all our clientele only an authentic, tasty and eccellent pizza.
Apropos of products Made in Italy, do you read any quality that is not valid within your restaurant?
There are absolutely no farina except farina, extra virgin olive oil, mozzarella, pasta, parmigiano. There are all ingredients Made in Italy that love the difference and that I consent to prepare high-quality specialties. If I have processed this product to spread the authentic Italian nature that is a true and proper guarantee of success all'estero and di cui ne ford orgoglioso.
Secondly, an article about pizza is in the degree of stimolare il buonumore and la socialità. Did I read anything the riguardo thinks?
Verissimo. I agree with this article. Pizza is joy, it is represented by the family and the group of friends. È relax perché non devi cucinare e accontenta tutti, dai più piccoli ai più grandi.
What does it mean to cook and spread the art of pizza all over the country?
That pizza is a true and proper art that comes rich in noi Italiani. Undoubtedly a pizzaiolo must be creative, a true artist himself. I feel like an artist who doesn't know how to create and know his own traditions in Spain. In that fact that I have one day I have to protect and safeguard the Parthenopean culinary tradition without becoming compromised. In my restaurant I saw the authentic and original Made in Italy.
What are the specialties that we do assolutely assaggiare presso Il ristorantino dell'Avvocato?
The fried pizzetta and any perché pizza were all delicious. Molto amata is the Maradona pizza with coppa and burrata. Another pizza is the trittico of pizza that is the chef's pizza. Fond three tastes of pizza are in the shape of papillon. I also recommend the Pizza dell'Avvocato which is the classic Italian pizza with bufala mozzarella, pomodoro, rucola and grana. Imperdibile è il our tiramisù dell'Avvocato, a vera e propria revisitazione del tiramisù tradizionale. Risulta essere scomposto. We compose it directly to the client's desk. This tiramisù is different and not if you find something else, but in our other restaurant that opened in Napoli.
In this era dominata dai social media, secondo read how much does the aesthetics count in the presentation of a piece to the client?
Purtroppo counts so much. I say purtroppo perché a volte si eccede nel dare importanza all'estetica piuttosto che al sapore. Noi ci we had to offer all our clientele a pizza that was beautiful and good.
What type of atmosphere and environment did we find at Il Ristorantino dell'Avvocato?
Now you will find a sophisticated, well-curated, very polished atmosphere in which it breathes a relaxed atmosphere and is convivial to the steady tempo. Our staff is Italian and you perceive so much harmony.
What do you prefer about this job?
Ciò che mi fa svegliare al mattino è la passione nel cucinare e la gioia nel vedere le persone che apprezzano ciò che cucino per loro. Cucino da quando sono piccolo. Ho always cooked for my friends and my gratifica so much rendere contenti gli altri across my kitchen.
Does it bring inspiration to the creation of its specialties?
Surely my father is a great mentor to me and one day I will continue to speak professionally and humanely. The name of my restaurant is a tribute to what I have learned so much and continues to do so. E poi c'è la mia donna che è la mia musa in tutto ciò che faccio. When I prepare something, I imagine that I should prepare it a lei and se piace a lei sono sicuro che possa piacere a tutti.
Second read in what settore tells about the training or experience?
Secondly, I told you that it is the raw material. Because it is a good pizza, but if the prime quality materials are not available, there is no part. In this settore non si finisce mai di parare sul campo.
Un consiglio che darbbe ad un giovane che vuole intraprendere la sua stessa carriera di ristoratore all'estero…
Ci vuole so much passione perché that this work is hard and not if smette mai di fare sacrifice e mettersi in gioco. I devi loved that my work is highly creative. Devi essere porto e spirato se no, meglio lasciar will lose.
How much does a human worker count in this work and the power of the worker is supported by a competent staff?
My staff for me is like a football squad. Everyone participates in the raggiungimento of the final result. My squad is formatted by young and competent people. This allows you to do daily work in the middle. I saw a beautiful energy there and our clientele was not welcomed. I will say that this aspect is fundamentally important in the life of a restaurant.